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Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian (Book 8)

Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian (Book 8)

Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian (Book 8)

Eoin Colfer

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15.0 Lei
  • Autor: Eoin Colfer
  • ISBN: 9780141340760
  • Editura: Penguin Books
  • Limba: Engleza
  • Data publicatie: 04/04/2013
  • Format: 12.9 x 2 x 19.8 cm
  • Pagini: 336
  • Greutate: 234
  • CategorieLiteratura
  • VarstaAdolescenti
IS THIS ARMAGEDDON FOR ARTEMIS FOWL?Opal Koboi, power-crazed pixie, is plotting to exterminate mankind and become fairy queen. If she succeeds, the spirits of long-dead fairy warriors will rise from the earth, inhabit the nearest available bodies and wreak mass destruction. But what happens if those nearest bodies include crows, or deer, or badgers - or two curious little boys by the names of Myles and Beckett Fowl?Yes, it's true. Criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl's four-year-old brothers could be involved in destroying the human race. Can Artemis and Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police stop Opal and prevent the end of the world?

Informatii suplimentare

Editura: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780141340760
Limba: Engleza
Data publicatie: 04/04/2013
Format: 12.9 x 2 x 19.8 cm
Pagini: 336
Greutate: 234

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  • Cambridge University Press
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