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Authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English provide perfect practice because they are EXACTLY like the real exam.
Inside A2 Key for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. This book does not contain the audio recordings, answer keys, sample Writing answers or Speaking test scripts. An Audio CD containing the exam Listening material, and a Student's Book with answers and audio, are available separately.
Editura: | Cambridge |
ISBN: | 9781108718127 |
Limba: | Engleza |
Data publicatie: | 15/08/2019 |
Format: | 18.8 x 0.5 x 24 cm |
Pagini: | 800 |
Greutate: | 200 g |
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