La revue de référence de la recherche universitaire francophone en didactique. Recherches et applications, supplément semestriel à la revue Le français dans le monde, propose deux cent pages de réflexions th&e ... plus
Manual de recursos para profesores de español lengua extranjera que imparten clases a estudiantes jóvenes y adultos.- Explora nuevas vías para revitalizar las clases con actividades motiva ... más
Diese Sammlung enthält elf spannende Escape Games zu unterschiedlichen Themen für Ihren DaF- oder DaZ-Unterricht. Eine Einstiegsgeschichte gibt den thematischen Rahmen vor und erklärt, welche Mi ... mehr
Die spielerischen Unterrichtsmaterialien üben sowohl das Hören (Identifizieren und Differenzieren) als auch das Aussprechen der deutschen Standardsprache, bieten abwechslungsreiche Spielformen nach phonetischen Themen geordnet, sind für alle Altersstufen, Niveaus und Ausgangssprachen geeignet, beschreiben Tipps un ... mehr
A completely revised and updated edition of A Course in Language Teaching. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to English language teaching, and is suitable for teachers in a variety of educational settings, including compulsory education. It has been completely revised and updated to include essential new topics for the modern English language teacher, including English as an international language, ... more
En esta guía metodológica, el profesor encontrará diferentes sugerencias y comentarios sobre la explotación didáctica de las actividades del libro. En los comentarios de las actividades se proporcionan, además de información de tipo sociocultural, diferentes pautas sobre cómo integrar la gramática del dosier en cada uno de los temas. En alg ... más
Documents the development of the Cambridge ESOL Certificates in English Language Skills (CELS), a suite of modular examinations first offered in 2002. As a context for how CELS was conceived, developed, constructed, validated and managed, the book traces the history of exams which have influenced CELS. The Royal Society of Arts (RSA), later UCLES (University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate) Communicative Use of English as ... more
Language testers have generally come to recognize the limitations of traditional statistical methods for validating oral language tests. They have begun to consider more innovative approaches to test validation, approaches that promise to illuminate the assessment process itself, rather than just assessment outcomes (i.e., ratings). One such approach is conversation analysis (or CA), a rigorous empirical methodology developed by so ... more
Teachers of English need not only to have a good productive command of the language; they also need to know a good deal about the way the language works. This book asks: 'What is it that a teacher needs to know about English in order to teach it effectively?' It leads teachers to awareness of the language through a wide range of tasks which involve them in analysing English to discover its underlyin ... more
Tasks for teachers of English that help to develop language awareness and invite consideration of the pedagogical implications and classroom applications.This second edition has been fully revised and updated, incorporating recent developments in language description, whilst keeping the organisation and structure of the successful first edition. As before, the book asks: ' ... more
This guide is intended for teachers who wish to develop professional expertise by investigating their own teaching in a systematic and organized way. It is also of relevance for trainee teachers who have to produce a professional project or dissertation as part of a training programme. field-notes reports; observation techniques - recording and analysing classroom skills; inte ... more
Manual de recursos para profesores de español lengua extranjera que imparten clases a estudiantes jóvenes y adultos.- Amplia propuesta de actividades lúdicas destinadas a potenciar el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en e ... más
De l'analyse de document pour arriver à la production écrite et qui s'adresse à des étudiants de niveau moyen.Ecrire pour convaincre, argumenter, c'est essayer d'amener quelqu'un à partager un point de vue, une analyse, un jugement qui, au départ, ne sont pas les siens. Argumenter, c'est donc, à l ... plus
Cet ouvrage propose les corrigés du livre de l'élève, qui part de l'analyse de document pour arriver à la production écrite et qui s'adresse à des étudiants de niveau moyen.Ecrire pour convaincre, argumenter, c'est essayer d'amener quelqu'un à partager un point de vue, une analyse, un j ... plus
Cet ouvrage propose :Des activités de lecture à partir de documentsauthentiques variés : articles, interviews, publicités,lettres, textes littéraires, modes d'emploi...30 textes choisis en fonction des types de discours :- des textes qui racontent,- des textes qui rapportent les parol ... plus
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