Level A2-B1
The game can be played in class as a didactic tool for linguistic revision and consolidation and at home with friends as a board game.
The cards are shuffles and dealt evenly amongst the players. The youngest player starts by rolling the die and depending on the interrogative shown, formulates a questions to the player on his/her left who must guess his card. The player to the left, after having answered, then throws the die and asks a question to the player on his/her left. When a player, helped by the board has the clues necessary, tries to guess the card. If the guess is correct, then he/she wins the card and has another turn at asking a question. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
The teacher’s booklet contains suggestions and tips on further ways to use the material.
• 1 board representing a fairground
• 1 die - on it the words: who, what, how, where, when, which
• 66 cards, each card has an object from the board
• A teacher’s booklet
• To stimulate the use of pronouns and adverbs in questions
• To learn basic vocabulary and linguistic structures
• To stimulate conversation in English
The kit (21,5x14,5 cm) contains:
1 game board
66 cards
1 die
Teacher's Guide
Editura: | Eli |
ISBN: | 9788853611659 |
Limba: | Engleza |
Data publicatie: | 05/08/2011 |
Format: | 14.7 x 3.8 x 21.7 cm |
Greutate: | 726 g |
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