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Verb Bingo A1

Verb Bingo A1

Verb Bingo A1

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70.0 Lei
  • ISBN: 9788853611758
  • Editura: Eli
  • Limba: Engleza
  • Data publicatie: 16/04/2008
  • Format: 21.5 x 14.5 cm
  • Greutate: 569 g
  • CategorieJocuri
  • VarstaCopii

Level A1

The game can be played in class as a didactic tool for revision and consolidation of the language or as a game to play with friends at the table or it can be played as a memory game.

Verb Bingo can be played in 4 different ways:
1 – picture-picture
2 – verb-verb
3 – picture-verb
4 – verb-picture

The players are given one board each and placed so that either the verbs written in words or illustrated are face up. Shuffle the verb cards. Then one at a time, the verb cards are picked up and read out aloud and then shown to the other players (if necessary). If the verb stated is on a player’s board then that verb is covered.
The player who manages to cover all the verbs on his/her board first, wins.
The teacher’s booklet contains suggestions on how to play the game in different ways.


• 100 cards: each card has on one side an action illustrated and on the other the corresponding verb
• 32 boards: each board has 6 illustrated verbs on one side and on the other the respective verb in words
• A teacher’s booklet

• To learn basic verbs

The kit (21,5x14,5 cm) contains:
66 cards
36 bingo boards
Teacher's Guide

Informatii suplimentare

Editura: Eli
ISBN: 9788853611758
Limba: Engleza
Data publicatie: 16/04/2008
Format: 21.5 x 14.5 cm
Greutate: 569 g

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Adauga parerea ta!

Cuvinte cheie

Adauga cuvinte separate cu virgula.

  • Cambridge University Press
  • Cle International
  • Cornelsen
  • Didier FLE
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