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Criterii: Gramatica,

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  1. Poza: 55 Grammatikspiele für Partner- und Gruppenarbeit Kopiervorlagen

    55 Grammatikspiele für Partner- und Gruppenarbeit Kopiervorlagen

    Monika Rehlinghaus
    130.0 Lei
    • Editura: KLETT
    • Data publicatie:: 24/04/2019

    Die Spielesammlung enthält 55 aktivierende und motivierende Spiele zu grammatischen Strukturen, die begleitend zu jedem DaF-Sprachlehrwerk eingesetzt werden können. Alle Spiele enthalten detaillierte Spielbeschreibungen und Kopiervorlagen für den sofortigen Einsatz im Unterricht. Die Spiele sind für die Niveaustufen A1 – B2 konzipiert. ... mehr

  2. Poza: 66 Grammatikspiele Deutsch als Fremdsprache

    66 Grammatikspiele Deutsch als Fremdsprache

    75.0 Lei
    • Editura: KLETT
    • Data publicatie:: 31/03/1999

    Mit Hilfe dieser Sammlung interaktiver Übungsideen für Schüler und Erwachsene aller Lernniveaus lässt sich ernsthafte Grammatikarbeit im spielerischen Kontext und in aufgelockerter Atmosphäre abwechslungsreich gestalten. Von klassischen Gesellschaftsspielen wie Monopoly oder Dame über kognitive und kreative Aufgabenstellungen tragen die Aktivitäten dazu bei, die h ... mehr

  3. Poza: 66 Sprachspiele für die Schule für Partner-, Gruppen- und Plenumsarbeit Grammatik und Wortschatz

    66 Sprachspiele für die Schule für Partner-, Gruppen- und Plenumsarbeit Grammatik und Wortschatz

    • Editura: KLETT
    • Data publicatie:: 18/12/2019

    Diese Spielesammlung enthält 66 aktivierende und motivierende Spiele zu Grammatik und Wortschatz, die in jedem DaF-/DaZ-Unterricht der Sekundarstufe eingesetzt werden können. Alle Spiele enthalten detaillierte Spielbeschreibungen und Kopiervorlagen für den sofortigen Einsatz im Klassenzimmer. Die Spiele sind für die Niveaustufen A1-A2 konzipiert. ... mehr

  4. Poza: ACTIVATE Your Grammar & Vocabulary B2 Teacher's Book

    ACTIVATE Your Grammar & Vocabulary B2 Teacher's Book

    Alexandra Green
    85.0 Lei
    • Editura: HAMILTON HOUSE
    • Data publicatie:: 2015

    Nivel: B2 Upper Intermediate Activate your Grammar & Vocabulary for B2 exams presents grammar and vocabulary in a clear and concise way. The book has been written based on the needs and topics relevant to students at B2 level. It comprises theme-based units in which the English language is presented in an active context. Students are able to consolidate the grammatical structures and vocabulary required for th ... more

  5. Poza: Activate Your Grammar & Vocabulary B2 Test Book

    Activate Your Grammar & Vocabulary B2 Test Book

    25.0 Lei
    • Editura: HAMILTON HOUSE
    • Data publicatie:: 12/2018

    CEFR Level: B2 Activate your Grammar & Vocabulary for B2 exams presents grammar and vocabulary in a clear and concise way. The book has been written based on the needs and topics relevant to students at B2 level.  ... more

  6. Poza: Activate Your Grammar & Vocabulary for B2: Student's book

    Activate Your Grammar & Vocabulary for B2: Student's book

    Alexandra Green
    85.0 Lei
    • Editura: HAMILTON HOUSE
    • Data publicatie:: 2015

    Activate your Grammar & Vocabulary for B2 exams presents grammar and vocabulary in a clear and concise way. The book has been written based on the needs and topics relevant to students at B2 level. It comprises theme-based units in which the English language is presented in an active context. Students are able to consolidate the grammatical structures and vocabulary required for the B2 level examinati ... more

  7. Poza: Activate Your Grammar and Vocabulary B2 – Self-Study Pack (Student’s Book with Answer Key)

    Activate Your Grammar and Vocabulary B2 – Self-Study Pack (Student’s Book with Answer Key)

    Alexandra Green
    95.0 Lei
    • Editura: HAMILTON HOUSE

    Activate your Grammar & Vocabulary for B2 exams presents grammar and vocabulary in a clear and concise way. The book has been written based on the needs and topics relevant to stu ... more

  8. Poza: Active Grammar Level 1 with Answers and CD-ROM

    Active Grammar Level 1 with Answers and CD-ROM

    Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer
    95.0 Lei
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 17/02/2011

    A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 1 covers all the grammar taught at A1-A2 (CEF) level. The book presents grammar points in meaningful context through engaging and informative texts, followed by clear explanations and useful tips that highlight common mistakes usually ma ... more

  9. Poza: Active Grammar Level 1 without Answers and CD-ROM

    Active Grammar Level 1 without Answers and CD-ROM

    Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 17/02/2011

    A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners.Active Grammar Level 1 covers all the grammar taught at A1-A2 (CEF) level. The book presents grammar points in meaningful context through engaging and informative texts, followed by clear explanations and useful tips that highlight common mistakes usually made by low-level learners ... more

  10. Poza: Active Grammar Level 2 with Answers and CD-ROM

    Active Grammar Level 2 with Answers and CD-ROM

    Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer
    95.0 Lei
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 17/02/2011

    A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 2 covers all the grammatical points usually taught at B1-B2 (CEF) level. The book presents grammar points in meaningful context through engaging and inf ... more

  11. Poza: Active Grammar Level 2 without Answers and CD-ROM

    Active Grammar Level 2 without Answers and CD-ROM

    Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 17/02/2011

    A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners.Active Grammar Level 2 covers all the grammatical points usually taught at B1-B2 (CEF) level. The book presents grammar points in meaningful context through engaging and informative texts, followed by clear explanations. Useful tips highlight common mistakes that intermediate stude ... more

  12. Poza: Active Grammar Level 3 with Answers and CD-ROM

    Active Grammar Level 3 with Answers and CD-ROM

    Mark Lloyd, Jeremy Day
    95.0 Lei
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 28/04/2011

    A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 3 covers all the grammar taught at C1-C2 (CEF) level. The book presents grammar points in meaningful context through engaging and informative texts, followed by clear explanations. Useful tips highlight common mistakes that advanced level students usually make. C ... more

  13. Poza: Active Grammar Level 3 without Answers and CD-ROM

    Active Grammar Level 3 without Answers and CD-ROM

    Mark Lloyd, Jeremy Day
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 28/04/2011

    A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners.Active Grammar Level 3 covers all the grammar taught at C1-C2 (CEF) level. The book presents grammar points in meaningful contexts through engaging and informative texts, followed by clear explanations. Useful tips highlight common mistakes that advanced level students can make. Ca ... more



    Francisca Castro Viudez
    • Editura: EDELSA
    • Data publicatie:: 2020

    Propone las actividades del libro Uso de la gramática española, nivel avanzado y otras extras en formato digital e interactivo. Puede acceder a los contenidos digitales a través de www.edelsa.es y de la app Edelsa. ... más

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Filtre cautare:
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Cle International
  • Cornelsen
  • Didier FLE
  • Duden
  • Duden
  • Edelsa
  • 14 zile politica de retur pentru comenzi online
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