Emma and Harry went down the River Nile in a boat. They sailed through the desert and visited lots of pyramids. One day, a young girl spoke to them. The Adventure is ready to begin.
In this Reader you will find: Games and language activities
An audio recording of the story
A picture dictionary
Two police officers, Harry and Emma, are sent to investigate an ancient Egyptian tomb where stolen gold is hidden. Harry is not happy and his mood gets worse when he finds out that a young girl is going to be their guide. However, Harry and Emma go into the tomb of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertari, led by Chione. What dangers will they meet? And what will they find inside?
In this Reader you will find:
Games and language activities | An audio recording
of the story | A picture dictionary
Interest in different cultures | friendship
Vocabulary areas
the world around us, feelings, food,
Grammar and structures
present simple, past simple and
progressive, present perfect, future
“will” and going to, infinitive of
purpose, conjunctions: and, but, so
clauses with before and after,
prepositions: through, down, into
looks / sounds + adjectives
The Multi-ROM CD that accompanies the Young ELI Readers adds a new, digital dimension to reading in class with an interactive whiteboard (IWB), to reading in the school multimedia centre or to reading at home on the PC.
The Multi-ROM CD allows children to:
• follow fun animations of the story;
• listen to the recordings on either a conventional CD player or a PC;
• do engaging, interactive and auto-correcting exercises.