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Writing Skills Interactive level 3

Writing Skills Interactive level 3

Writing Skills Interactive level 3

Eve Einselen, Susan Hills, Hilary Hodge, Elizabeth Iannotti, Kathryn O'Dell, Lara Ravitch

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  • Autor: Eve Einselen, Susan Hills, Hilary Hodge, Elizabeth Iannotti, Kathryn O'Dell, Lara Ravitch
  • ISBN: 9781107676046
  • Editura: Cambridge
  • Limba: Engleza
  • Data publicatie: 13/06/2014
  • Format: 10.8 x 0.1 x 14 cm
  • Greutate: 100 g
  • CategorieGramatica
  • VarstaAdolescenti si adulti

Writing Skills Interactive Level 3 provides online instruction and practice in a wide range of academic writing skills while building academic and content-specific vocabulary. Each unit includes a vocabulary practice activity, followed by a short text which sets the context for the unit while providing additional context for the vocabulary. The text is followed by an animated presentation of the target writing skill, after which students have the opportunity to practice the skill in three different activities. Each unit closes with a quiz, which allows students to assess their progress.

Informatii suplimentare

Editura: Cambridge
ISBN: 9781107676046
Limba: Engleza
Data publicatie: 13/06/2014
Format: 10.8 x 0.1 x 14 cm
Greutate: 100 g

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Adauga cuvinte separate cu virgula.

Carti scrise de acelasi autor: Eve Einselen, Susan Hills, Hilary Hodge, Elizabeth Iannotti,...

  • Cambridge University Press
  • Cle International
  • Cornelsen
  • Didier FLE
  • Duden
  • Duden
  • Edelsa
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