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B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 Trainer with Answers with Digital Pack

B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 Trainer with Answers with Digital Pack

B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 Trainer with Answers with Digital Pack

Disponibilitate: In stoc


Pret normal: 95.0 Lei

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  • ISBN: 9781108902564
  • Editura: Cambridge
  • Limba: Engleza
  • Data publicatie: 04/2024
  • CategorieExamen
  • VarstaAdolescenti

B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer 2 contains six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and tips designed to guarantee exam success.

The 'with answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the B1 Preliminary for Schools examination format. The six practice tests feature explanatory keys and model answers, and include ideas for extending tasks in class. The first two tests also include step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by a bank of real Preliminary for Schools candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. Downloadable audio includes the recordings for the listening tests.

Informatii suplimentare

Editura: Cambridge
ISBN: 9781108902564
Limba: Engleza
Data publicatie: 04/2024

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  • Cambridge University Press
  • Cle International
  • Cornelsen
  • Didier FLE
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