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Criterii: engleza, oxford, Literatura,

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  1. Poza: Selected Stories (Vintage Classics Library)

    Selected Stories (Vintage Classics Library)

    Edgar Allan Poe
    15.0 Lei
    • Editura: OXFORD
    • Data publicatie:: 06/07/2016

    The midnight hour approaches. You lie in bed and try to sleep, but there is the howling of the wind outside, the creak of a floorboard, the scream of a cat, the ticking clock...Your heart beats, your skin crawls, and despite yourself you reach for this book and enter a world like a nightmare, haunted by dark fears, guilty secrets and the bloody consequences of rage, revenge and ... more

    Filtre cautare:
    1. Limba:  Engleza Stergeti acest criteriu
    2. Categorie:   Literatura Stergeti acest criteriu
    3. Editura:  Oxford Stergeti acest criteriu
    Categorii carti:
    • Cambridge University Press
    • Cle International
    • Cornelsen
    • Didier FLE
    • Duden
    • Duden
    • Edelsa
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