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Cambridge Teaching Seminar

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    Alfredo González Hermoso
    35.0 Lei
    • Editura: EDELSA
    • Data publicatie:: 01/05/2012

    Los chicos consiguen descifrar la carta y encontrar el lugar donde está Amancio. Pero no saben cómo ir a México. Afortunadamente, este año sus colegios de Valladolid van a participar en un intercambio cultural con México. ¿Encontrarán a Amancio? México los espera con los brazos abiertos. ... más



    Alfredo González Hermoso
    30.0 Lei
    • Editura: EDELSA
    • Data publicatie:: 01/03/2011

    Lectura graduada de español lengua extranjera, para niños y adolescente (10-14 años). Nivel A1/A2.Juan, Andrés y Rocío conocen a Ramón Ugarte, un joven profesor de Santo Domingo, la capital de la República Dominicana.Ramón les invita a visitar su país. En Santo Domingo, la primera isla descubierta por Cristóbal Colón y, ... más

  3. Poza:  Bluey: The Most Amazing Christmas Advent Book Bundle

    Bluey: The Most Amazing Christmas Advent Book Bundle

    80.0 Lei
    • Editura: PENGUIN BOOKS
    • Data publicatie:: 2024

    Join Bluey and her friends and family in the countdown to Christmas with this advent book collection of 24 stories and activities!Find 23 surprise mini boo ... more

  4. Poza:  Cambridge Global English Workbook 3 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Cambridge Global English Workbook 3 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Paul Drury, Elly Schottman
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 28/10/2021

    Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities - including crosswords and matching - these workbooks help your learners practise and consolidate what they have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Primary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated in ... more

  5. Poza:  Cambridge Global English Workbook 7 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Cambridge Global English Workbook 7 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Olivia Johnston, Chris Barker, Libby Mitchell
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 04/2021

    Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. With varied activities – including crosswords and word matching – these workbooks help you practise and consolidate what you have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Lower Secondary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a s ... more

  6. Poza:  Cambridge Global English Workbook 9 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Cambridge Global English Workbook 9 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Ingrid Wisniewska, Chris Barker, Libby Mitchell
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 02/2022

    With varied activities – including matching definitions and completing sentences – these workbooks help you practise and consolidate what you have learnt. The activities also support the reading, writing and Use of English strands of the Cambridge English as a Second Language Lower Secondary curriculum framework. This new edition provides more grammar practice with a short grammar presentation, followed by activities differentiated into three tiers: Focus, Practice and Challenge. Ideal for use in the cla ... more

  7. Poza:  Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Learner's Book 2

    Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Learner's Book 2

    Sarah Lindsay, Wendy Wren
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 03/05/2019

    Develop your learners' skills in creative writing and writing for a purpose. Introduce your learners to creative writing and writing for a purpose. They'll write a recount of a race and instructions to make a cake, helping build their extended writing skills as they progress through the units. Each unit focuses on a different text type such as dialogue, recounts, reports or instructions. Model texts in each chapter show learners good examples of each writing type and specific activities are included to help them p ... more

  8. Poza:  Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Learner's Book 3

    Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Learner's Book 3

    Sarah Lindsay, Wendy Wren
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 03/05/2019

    Develop your learners' skills in creative writing and writing for a purpose. Introduce your learners to creative writing and writing for a purpose. They'll write rhyming poems and instructions for a cat feeder, helping build their extended writing skills as they progress through the units. Each unit focuses on a different text type such as dialogue, recounts, reports or instructions. Model texts in each chapter show learners good examples of each writing type and specific activities are included to help them pract ... more

  9. Poza:  Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Teacher's Resource with Cambridge Elevate 1-3

    Cambridge Grammar and Writing Skills Teacher's Resource with Cambridge Elevate 1-3

    Sarah Lindsay, Wendy Wren
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 31/10/2019

    Develop your learners' skills in creative writing and writing for a purpose. Your essential companion to the course, the print and digital teacher's resource includes everything you need to confidently lead your lessons. It contains full guidance and lesson plans, along with unit warm ups, marking criteria and ideas for assessment. Suggested plenary activities at the end of each unit give learners a chance to discuss and reflect on what they have covered. Review and plan your teaching with lesson guides and worksh ... more

  10. Poza:  Cambridge Primary Science Learner's Book 5 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Cambridge Primary Science Learner's Book 5 with Digital Access (1 Year)

    Fiona Baxter, Liz Dilley
    • Editura: CAMBRIDGE
    • Data publicatie:: 30/04/2021

    From discovering how plants are pollinated, to learning about gravity, Cambridge Primary Science gets your learners thinking like scientists! Packed with opportunities to plan experiments, make predictions and gather results, the series helps your learners think and work scientifically. Each unit ends with a project, like creating a report on how forces are used in a machine that helps learners bring together what they have learnt and understand how the topics relate to the real world. With vocabulary boxes, clear diagrams ... more

  11. Poza:  Experiencias 14 (B2). Libro del alumno

    Experiencias 14 (B2). Libro del alumno

    Eugenia Alonso Arija
    • Editura: EDELSA
    • Data publicatie:: 20/05/2021

    Experiencias es un nuevo curso modular de enseñanza del español para cursos intensivos, dirigido a jóvenes y adultos. Cada unidad cuenta con una experiencia (actividad final), tomando al alumno como protagonista y auténtico centro de su propio proceso de aprendizaje.Cada libro consta de 5 unidades y cada unidad está dividida en 2 secuencias u objetivos de aprendizaje con sus ejercicios. ... más

  12. Poza:  Le jour où j’ai raté le bus – Niv. A2

    Le jour où j’ai raté le bus – Niv. A2

    Jean-Luc Luciani
    45.0 Lei
    • Editura: DIDIER

      Une collection de lectures authentiques et accessibles aux adolescentsun choix de romans contemporains et classiquesune segmentation par niveau selon les échelles de compétences du CECRL A1 A2 B1 Le jour où j'ai raté le bus est un ouvrage de niveau A2 du Cadre européen commun de référence. ... plus

  13. Poza:  Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 4: Quaderno degli esercizi + tracce audio (QR-code) + codice i-d-e-e

    Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 4: Quaderno degli esercizi + tracce audio (QR-code) + codice i-d-e-e

    T Marin / Maria Angela Cernigliaro
    60.0 Lei
    • Editura: EDILINGUA
    • Data publicatie:: 09/2022

    Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 4 si rivolge a studenti adulti e giovani adulti e mira a farli comunicare con sicurezza grazie a una solida competenza linguistica. Quaderno degli esercizi + tracce audio (QR code) + codice i-d-e-e, a colori, con appendice grammaticale i-d-e-e.it ... di più

  14. Poza:  Submarino 3. guía didáctica

    Submarino 3. guía didáctica

    Mª Eugenia Santana Rollán| María del Mar Rodríguez
    • Editura: EDELSA

    Nivel 3 de SUBMARINO, nuevo método para la enseñanza del español en Primaria.Los protagonistas de Submarino 2 se llaman Valentina y Mateo y viajan en submarino junto con su mascota Tinta, un pulpo simpático y travieso que acompañará a los niños y a las niñas en su primer viaje al español.El trabajo se centra en la adquisición l& ... más

  15. Poza: !!Vamos!: CD Audio

    !!Vamos!: CD Audio

    70.0 Lei
    • Editura: EDILINGUA
    • Data publicatie:: 31.05.2007

    ... más

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